
HPA - Health Protection Agency is an independent body that protects the health and well-being of the population

ICE - The ICE is a UK based international organisation with 80,000 members. It is an educational and qualifying body and has charitable status.

Icheme - The IChemE is a learned society and is the qualifying and professional body for chemical engineers.

Imeche - The IMechE is a learned society and is the qualifying and professional body for mechanical engineers.

NDA - The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority [NDA] is a non-departmental public body.

NIA - The Nuclear Industry Association is the trade association and information body for the UK civil nuclear industry, including the operators of the nuclear power stations, those engaged in decommissioning, waste management, nuclear liabilities management and all aspects of the nuclear fuel cycle.

NII - Nuclear Installations Inspectorate, nuclear licensing authority

Nuclear Institute - The Nuclear Institute is a merger between British Nuclear Energy Society (BNES) and the Institution of Nuclear Engineers (INucE). It is the learned body for persons interested in nuclear energy.

SEPA - Scottish Environmental Protection Agency, environmental regulator and adviser, responsible to the Scottish Parliament through Ministers

WANO - Cavendish Court, 11-15 Wigmore Street, London W1U 1PF The World Association of Nuclear Operators' mission is to maximise the safety and reliability of nuclear power plant operation by exchanging information and encouraging commun

World Association of Nuclear Operators