Hopetoun House

Competitive Carriage Driving has the potential to be a dangerous sport for spectators, officials and public. A careful identification of the hazards and analysis of the risks is required, together with a safety driven approach to the building of the course. The separation of the public from the horses is essential in all parts of the course and stabling or exercise areas. This is always difficult to achieve, if the public are to be allowed close proximity to the horses and competitors

Sage Safety provided a Safety Officer pro bono for the Hopetoun House Carriage Driving events in 2002 to 2004.

The primary duty of a Safety Officer is to ensure, before the event, that it runs safely on the day.

Full risk assessments were carried out in conjunction with the course builder and experienced drivers and the design of the course was modified year on year to improve safety aspects for the public, competitors, officials and judges.

In 2004, an additional aspect requiring careful consideration was the addition of disabled driving to the main events.